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What's active content and why do you need it?

8 November 2023

Here's a little problem I see often on social media. A lot of businesses are guilty of doing this. However we work with and follow a lot of independent musicians who seem to do this more than other small business.

I'm talking about posting all passive content and no active content.

So right here right now I'm going explain what both of those terms mean and why you might think about adding more active content into your marketing strategy.

Passive and active content explained

When it comes to social media and marketing in particular there are really only two types of content in their basic form. Passive and active content.

Yeah there are single image posts, carousels and of course video but they can all be either passive or active. Let's look at the difference.

Passive Content

With this type of content you're not inviting any form of interaction from your audience. That doesn't mean people won't like and comment on it, you're just not inviting them to.

Often passive content can be about you.

  • Here's what I did last night
  • This is my product/service
  • This is what I do
  • Check out my latest song

You need passive content so your audience gets to know who you are and what you do. That kind of content is okay but it can be damaging to your success if you don't post anything else.

Active Content

Active content invites your audience to interact. With this type of content you may be asking a question, inviting opinion or looking for your audience to do something specific.

  • What did you do last night?
  • What do you think of my latest product/service?
  • Would you like to see more of what I do?
  • What type of music do you like?

Often active content is more about your audience and less about you and that distinction is really important.

You need active content for two very important reasons.

Why you need both

To have real success on social media with your marketing and, ultimately make more money for your business (remember if you're an independent musician you're running a business) you need both types of content but active content is the most important for two reasons.

Your followers love it

Sorry to break this to you but your followers don't care about you. Well, apart from your mum but if she's following you we need a whole different conversation (more here).

What they care about is themselves. They'll follow you initially because your content makes them feel a certain way. Perhaps they're looking for the product or service you offer, they share a common interest or they just like your music.

All that is fine but they aren't actually spending money with you yet (that makes them passive). If you want your marketing to actually affect your bank balance you need to turn your followers into fans.

To do that you need to build a relationship and that means having a two way conversation. Imagine going on a date and all they do is talk about themselves all night. I'm assuming there's not going to be a second date right? That is unless they're really hot!

Active content invites your followers to interact, get to know you more, strike up a conversation, become a fan and not just a follower!

The algorithm loves it

Yes I know it's a borderline swear word but if you want to succeed on social you need to know the rules of the game, which are:

  • Social platforms want to show you adverts so they make money.
  • They want you on their platform for as long as possible.
  • They learn the type of content you like and show you similar popular content you might also like.
  • They pick content that has a proven track record for being popular.
  • They pick content that has more likes and comments.
  • They pick active content.

Ergo if you want to reach more people start posting more active content. Your followers like it, the algorithm likes it, your bank balance likes it.

What needs to change?

Now you know the difference, take a look at your last 10 posts and determine how many were active vs passive. If you have anything less than a 50/50 balance aim to make a change.

You can also become more active yourself rather than just posting stuff.

  • Check out every new follower.
  • Send a voice message to your new followers.
  • Comment on more content from people who you'd like to attract.
  • Ask open questions to start a conversation.

Basically, imagine you're at a networking event or in a bar trying to meet someone new. All the things you would do in those situations work on social media. Do more of that stuff!

Is this passive or active?

Well, up until now this blog has been purely passive content. I'm just telling you stuff that will help you with your marketing. I haven't actually asked you to do anything yet.

So here's that invitation to start a conversation. Has this blog helped you? How has it helped you? Are we following one another on social media? If not come follow and then send me a DM saying hi (remember open questions and a voice message works best).

Or, press the button below and get in touch. That works too!

Get in touch

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